Guest Book

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2 entries.
Bryan WB0YLE Bryan WB0YLE from Fall River MA wrote on November 15, 2022 at 9:22 pm
Moved back home here to FR in April '19. Have a 220 coordinated repeater up from local QTH on 224.54 pl 141.3, Wires-X on 444.950 and cross-linked via allstar to DMR 31429 and Wirex-X 28598. Hold AE license and league VE designations, as well as former 1st Phone (now GROL). Interested in getting involved to the extent I can.
Admin Reply by: kb1nyt
Hello I passed this on to the club officers. Jay KB1NYT
Edward Moniz Edward Moniz from Titusville Fl wrote on August 10, 2021 at 8:40 am
Just checking in N1MPR
Admin Reply by: kb1nyt
You're the first guest book entry