WA1DGW Repeater

145.150 MHz
PL of 123.0 Hz

Allstar Node – 539270

Allstar Dashboard

*1node Disconnect Link

*2node Connect link in monitor mode

*3node Connect link in transcieve mode

*80 Force System ID

*81 Say System Time

*13 node Disconnect Echolink node

*33node Connect Echolink node

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Node numbers must always be 6 digits long. If the
node number is 5 or 4 digits long, 1 or 2 zeros will NEED to be placed before
the node number for it to work.

Echolink Node – 668385 Commands

TGIF DMR TG – 53927 BCRA Fall River MA USA

DStar – DCS090-E (XLX090-B)

YSF – XLX041 (Default is WA1DGW Repeater)

DSTAR/YSF Dashboards

Use Wires-X to change rooms

04001 for KB1NYT 220 Repeater,

04002 for WA1DGW Repeater,

04003 – 04006 for local

Hamshack Hotline US Extension – 94067

The WA1DGW repeater is a BridgeCom Systems BCR-50V, Vocom power amplifier, Wacom duplexer, 7/8″ Heliax, and a Sinclair low PIM antenna. The repeater has a dedicate WiFi link for Internet and has generator backup.

The WA1DGW repeater offers excellent coverage
of the Fall River area, and beyond.  It is available for public safety
communications when requested by our local
Emergency Management office, and has been used
for many different nets over the years.

WA1DGW Coverage Map
WA1DGW Coverage Map

Repeater Hardware Diagram

Digital Modes Flow