Category: Uncategorized
July 4th Net
BCRA members. I hope you enjoy the 4th of July, despite the weather. We’ve decided to cancel this week’s net…
June 27 Net
There will be no net on Sunday night June 27th
BCRA Business Meeting July 12
The 7/12/2021 Business meeting will be held in person at the South Swansea Baptist Church and on Zoom. Meeting info…
June VE Session 6/21
Good Morning, We are very happy to announce that we will be able to hold another amateur radio test session…
Fox Hunt May 22, 2021
The BCRA will once again be sponsoring a Fox (Hidden Transmitter) Hunt on Saturday May 22, 2021 starting at 10:00AM….
Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Test
Annual Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Test Set for May 7 – 8 04/26/2021 The US Department of Defense will host…
RF Exposure ZOOM Ppresentation
If anyone is interested, I thought I would send this along. From: <> On Behalf Of Frankie VenturaSent: Saturday,…
May VE Session 5/17
Contact Skip KB1CNB (774)644-3469/
Fox Hunting Antenna Build
Sponsored by the BCRA/Fall River Amateur Radio Club We will be getting together to build “Tape Measure Yagis” for Fox…
BCRA Business Meeting May 3
BCRA May Business Meeting. The 5/3/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed through our…