Category: Uncategorized
BCRA Business Meeting Mar 1
BCRA Febuary Business Meeting. The 3/1/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed through our…
February 28 Net
Weekly BCRA net – on ZoomWe’ll be having this week’s net on Zoom, 2/28/2021 at 8:30 PM. The repeater is…
New WA1DGW Repeater
The BCRA has decided to purchase a new repeater to replace the current inoperative one. We are asking for donations…
Repeater Meeting 2/9/2021 7:00PM
BCRA Repeater Meeting. The 2/9/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed through our…
February VE Session 2/15
Contact Skip KB1CNB (774)644-3469/
BCRA Business Meeting Feb 1
BCRA Febuary Business Meeting. The 2/1/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed through our…
Jan 31 Net
Weekly BCRA net – on Zoom. The 1/31/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed…
Jan 24 Net
Weekly BCRA net – on ZoomThe 1/24/2021 meeting will be held on Zoom. The Zoom information is being distributed through…
Jan 17 Net
The net will also be held on Zoom see Groups.IO for the link.